A month ago I paid Barry $129 to run advertisements for EndPUA. In the advertising scripts I provided him, I encouraged listeners to sabotage pickup companies' forums by signing up under multiple user names and asking critical questions about why very few guys "get good" in the community. Also, in the ad copy I insulted gurus directly like Savoy.
I CC'ed this email to about 15-20 pickup gurus at the same time I sent it to Barry.
Barry freaked out and refunded my money through PayPal, telling the pickup gurus that he doesn't support the tactics I was promoting.
I have pasted the copy of the advertisements I sent Barry below.
Hey Barry,
I have CC'ed every guru I can find on this email. This is the transparent revolution to tear down the community. I won't hide my intentions: I want every pickup business that runs away from the truth of their self-delusion to disappear. What is the truth? 90% of men drop out of the pickup community because it doesn't work, not because they are weak-willed. I say this from experience.
Because you have regular listeners who don't want to hear the same ad over and over, I am proposing two options that might be helpful to keep the ads fresh:
- After the first episode, each advertisement script is unique. I have provided scripts for ads 2-7 below.
- You improvise whatever advertisement you like. Riff off of it.
Do whichever you like. Since this is your show, you know how to best communicate to your listeners through your own style.
At some point, if you want to interview me, that is fine too. No obligation. I am just an advertiser. You can even make fun of me. I don't care.
What I am doing is very threatening to the gurus. They will want to take me down and you too for broadcasting my ads. Watch for this.
I am not just issuing a complaint, I am detailing the specific reasons why men know, on the deepest of levels, that the pickup community is a scam to all of us and we want to take down its inauthenticity and replace it with self-reliance and exchange of ideas.
Even some gurus wish it would go away. They wish they could leave.
Each episode increases in its revolutionary language, using reason, not just emotion/rhetoric to recruit men from the pickup community to tear it down from the inside out.
We are going to take down the pickup community, piece by piece, SLOWLY and transparently.
Pickup is a lie that creates more suffering than if men suffered without sex for their entire lives and only fucked prostitutes.
Pickup companies and their students are in a co-dependent relationship. Each is a parasite to the other.
Inner game is nonexistent. Gurus are nonexistent. The pickup community
is a lie from the ground up. It is a lie we tell ourselves to make us think that there is something external to us that we need in order to become the men that we already are.
DVD's, ebooks, and seminars are the false hope that men can take the easy route and look external to themselves to find what they need on the inside. Tear down this false hope with me.
Discover who you are without buying products from lying marketing web pages that promise bullshit they can never deliver in your life. Discover who you are without bullshit boot camps that give you a temporary motivational boost, only to leave you hungering for more DVD's and ebooks.
Let go of your very very justified hatred of the community. Hate the community, then release your hatred.
Fuck The Pickup Scene Dot Com
Fuck The Pickup Scene Dot Com
My first boot camp was run by a man who I later found out could not get women. How do I know this? One of the girls he hung around told me about it when I ran into her at a bar. He was a very social guy who women would never fuck. Sounds like the average pickup community student, doesn't it?
Was this an isolated incident? You know better. Take the community down
with me so that there are no more liars lying to suffering men.
Fuck The Pickup Scene Dot Com
The pickup community was founded by nerds trying to figure out how to make women like nerds. Today, things have changed: nerds are getting more women, but they are discovering that they are still nerds on the inside.
But more often than that? Nerds are becoming even more repulsive to women because of the community. Women see nerds as possessing nerdy knowledge about women, which makes them run away.
In other words, nerds are trying to understand women through their nerdy minds and women will not tolerate this. They shouldn't.
You are not a nerd. You are different. You see that the community consists of desperate gurus posing as authorities to desperate men. We are watching a community of desperate, scarcity-minded men running in circles. You can see this.
Fuck The Pickup Scene Dot Com
Fuck The Pickup Scene Dot Com
When someone first asked me, "are you in the community?" I asked myself,
"community of what? community of losers?" My first reaction was correct, but I forgot it in the haze of information I later consumed. This is a community of guru losers coaching student losers.
I was one of them. I am not a loser. You are not a loser. But any kind of participation in the community by taking its goals seriously, makes us all losers. So instead of participating in the community, each of us takes steps to actively disassemble its information structures and jam its frequencies.
Pickup companies and their students are in a co-dependent relationship. Each is a parasite to the other.
Fuck The Pickup Scene Dot Com
Fuck The Pickup Scene Dot Com
It is healthy to despise charlatans. The pickup community is filled with them. Gurus are a virus, infecting the minds of good-intentioned, desperate men who just want to relieve their own suffering around women.
By deluding themselves into thinking they have a solution, gurus trick men
into thinking that gurus have answers. Gurus have no idea what they are doing right when they pickup women, if they can even pick them up at all.
You are above this. You don't need the gurus. But maybe you want more
reasons why. Find out the reasons that you haven't yet articulated.
Fuck The Pickup Scene Dot Com
Fuck The Pickup Scene Dot Com
I am not an authority. I am an authority to myself. This is the firing shot of
the revolution against the pickup community. We will take down every guru
who resists us by invisible destruction.
Pickup companies and their students are in a co-dependent relationship. Each is a parasite to the other.
We will sabotage their forums by posing as desperate men in search of answers for several months, convincing everyone we are real. Then, we will slowly, increasingly, ask critical questions about gurus through their own mediums.
This will drive the gurus paranoid. Join me in tearing down the pickup community this way.
Pickup companies and their students are in a co-dependent relationship. Each is a parasite to the other.
Fuck The Pickup Scene Dot Com
Fuck The Pickup Scene Dot Com
We are starting a revolution. We are burning down the figurative houses of
gurus, their instructors, and their bullshit theories that don't work. We are robbing desperate students of their parasitic relationship to gurus. We are burning every pickup DVD, we are interrupting every boot camp, we are creating total chaos in the minds of instructors and students. We are the splinter in their minds.
We are the splinter in the minds of desperate students, who want us desperately to go away so that they can continue to believe that the solution to their problems with women is in gurus and coaches, not themselves.
We are subverting every forum by posing as newbies, intermediates, and advanced guys. If you think you don't know how to pose as a newbie, just copy and paste the repetitive questions and answers they post on forums. It's all the same words, from newbie to advanced.
If you want to take down the pickup community, pose as a newbie and build your forum reputation up for 4-5 months. Use tons of aliases. They can ban your account, but they can't ban you from signing up over and over using different web proxies each time.
The more of us who do this, the quicker the pickup community comes down.
Tear down the community.
This is going to be fun.
Fuck The Pickup Scene Dot Com
Fuck The Pickup Scene Dot Com
Mehow comes off as weird and gay. His videos demonstrate he has no skill, but he still publishes them nonetheless. To our collective astonishment, men buy his videos. This fact would be fine if he acknowledged it.
Savoy comes off as gay. He is emotionally disconnected and none of his blog posts have comments because no one wants to interact with him. This fact would be fine if he acknowledged it.
Sinn is angry and defensive. He charges dozens of men $600 per month to be part of his corrosive social circle. This fact would be fine if he acknowledged it.
David DeAngelo is stiff and boring. His products are overpriced and he is responsible for the propagation of the word, "guru." He makes millions of dollars per year pretending that he is relieving men from suffering. In fact, because he stands on a stage, he creates more suffering in men because they think he is an authority who can give them what they want if they just watch his products over and over and follow his exercises.
I am no better than any of these gurus. I am not a guru. I am a guru to myself. You are a guru to yourself.
Find out why at my web site:
Fuck The Pickup Scene Dot Com
Fuck The Pickup Scene Dot Com
Sign up for the site updates email list and watch the revolution
Why are pickup boot camp and seminar testimonials recorded shortly after
the event? Because no one gets good 6 months later. Students retreat back into their old habits and the efforts of nearly every pickup instructor are in vain.
Gurus know this. You know this. Yet the gurus lie to you and me, pretending that their boot camps have the potential to produce lasting change. If they did, instructors would track their students 6 months afterwards.
The best boot camp restores your ability to think for yourself and discover what's possible.
The best boot camp restores your ability to think for yourself and discover what you think, not what women think.
The best boot camp restores your ability to think for yourself and discover your own possibilities.
Only you can change yourself. A boot camp can do nothing but show you
what's possible in yourself. You have to make the changes.
Join me and ask these burning questions on pickup forums. Sign up for
RSDNation, Love Systems en masse and send a barrage of critical thinking questions to enrage the zombies who will fight you to their deaths, believing that their success is dependent on external factors, like the knowledge of RSD and Love Systems.
Pickup companies and their students are in a co-dependent relationship. Each is a parasite to the other.
Pickup companies and their students are in a co-dependent relationship. Each is a parasite to the other.
Question each man's question about his ability to solve his own problems.
Where a man says "help me" on a forum, say this:
"You can only help yourself, but we can give you guidance. You have all of the tools right in front of you. Use the DVD. Use the ebook. If they don't work after months of being in the pickup community, maybe it's because products don't fucking work.
More revolutionary material is available at
Fuck The Pickup Scene Dot Com
Fuck The Pickup Scene Dot Com
Bropocalypse, so you use people's pre-established reputations as shortcuts to determine the merit of what they say? Anything that rattles you you dismiss as mental illness? I think my sentences are coherent enough and the strength of my arguments are very evident on EndPUA.
Since I am not making money from this, I don't care what you think or even if you, Bropocalypse, listen to me. The guys who read the site contact me.
yes, it is kind of crazy. I wrote the email after staying up all night and I was in a revolutionary mood. But read EndPUA and judge the site's material for yourself.
The fact is, there is nothing truly messianic about the message. I can't tear down the pickup community by myself. All I can do is set up a web site and ask people to do it for themselves. Clearly most of you are angered at the ridiculousness of the whole thing. At what point are you planning on taking action? Are you planning on hating the pickup community for the next 5 years in a vbulletin forum? That is lame. How much fun is that really after while? You aren't affecting them. They are still making money and ignoring you. So make it so they can't ignore you and start telling their students that no one really improves in this community except for about 3% of guys (most of whom are already confident with women).
I don't really know how to organize people in this pickup community to target the pickup companies. The pickup community is scattered across the internet and this is the only forum that tolerates dissent. Also, I can't exactly promote the site to my target audience because no pickup guru will let me advertise on their site.
I don't want to start a podcast. I don't want to make DVD's. I have seen more of this community than almost all of you on this forum. It is super fucked up.
You could say that I have a lot of compassion for guys who get stuck in the pickup community. I have seen them go out, night after night, modeling instructors whose lives are broken and who exaggerate how successful they are with women. These guys get more weird from being in the pickup community because they are so desperate with their situation with women that they don't know what else to do.
Sure, the community does help some guys to a limited extent, but it also screws with their worldview of relationships and humanity so badly that the payoff is rarely worth it. They go through life looking at every interaction as a power dynamic and they lose their ability to connect with people as they once did.
Bizarrely, they start to value people based on whether they would be popular in a club.
Tyler has a quote in which he says, "in every conversation, one person is reacting more than another." That is a really fucked up way to interact with other people.
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Meh, it's a two way street. You have to understand that 99.99% of businesses are in it for THEMSELVES and not for the customer/client. Most companies work like this and when you get into anything related to sex or the promise of sex, it gets shady as fuck. I dont even blame the pick up gayrus but rather the internet marketers. THOSE guys are very good at what they do: separate you from your money by creating huge cognitive dissonance. I've learned SO much about business by studying the creepmunity
Getting girls is just a numbers game...thats all....the more you hit on , the more you get.
From what I can tell, DavidD is largely responsible for the unethical marketing that goes on in the pickup community. I watched a video of him where he discussed with Craig Clemens how the two of them devised a marketing headline to plant insecurity into the minds of women so that they would want to buy products about how to keep men in relationships.
The possibility of taking down these pickup gurus is very real. They are much more vulnerable than you think they are, even though they hide behind the internet. If I had a team of 30 dedicated guys, I could take down the top 3 companies in two years completely legally by using guerilla anti-marketing tactics.
The 2005 book by Neil Strauss makes the pickup community seem much larger than it really is because Neil Strauss knows how to exaggerate and shape image of events; he was a rock journalist. Even though many men who go to bars may have heard of the pickup community and a large percentage have probably tried out its techniques, not that many regular people take it seriously as a means for self-improvement. It is very difficult for a guy in the pickup community to realize that most people don't think about social interactions in the way that they have learned from gurus, and that the sort of reality that pickup terminology creates is very specific and not a "true" way of looking at the world. It seems like it is true because some of the techniques create the responses that the pickup gurus say that they will when you test them out. But the reasons why the techniques "work" are much different than you think and have many layers to them.
I have already explained in an earlier post that most of these companies, except for Love Systems, don't make as much money as you think they do. What's also important to point out is that most men who follow pickup theories don't push themselves when they go out to bars and clubs, if they even go out at all. The image of a thriving pickup community with guys who go out all of the time and improve their lives is a sham. Really, I think the majority of guys are theory junkies and keyboard jockeys. Most of the guys whose sex lives take off were already decently confident to begin with.
Most of what EndPUA says only makes sense to guys who have pushed themselves when they went out to bars and clubs. Bittorrent losers who never go out are probably not going to understand it except on a superficial level.
I am actually reviewing
right now and I am astonished at how so many men in the pickup community still worshipped the weirdos in the book after reading it even though it makes it very clear why you shouldn't. When I first read the book I didn't see how it is one giant attempt by Neil to escape the pickup community by bashing everyone, but it ended up sucking Neil even deeper into it.
Every page of his book details all of the criticisms that everyone on this board has of the pickup community and its gurus. Reread it and you'll see how Neil Strauss considers himself a visitor in a strange land of ultra-nerds and weirdos. Guys who want help with women can't see that when they read the book because all they can pay attention to is the fact that there is a community that can help them with their problems. I wasn't introduced to the pickup community through
, but I didn't see that either when I first read it.
It says in the book that Neil Strauss gained his confidence by learning how to be a journalist. Mystery learned to be confident by practicing magic. They didn't learn to be confident by picking up women in bars, they used their initial confidence from having a real life to gain greater confidence with women.
Yea, good points
I just dont think it's possible to take down the seduction community the way you're thinking. It's too big and outreaching right now. Most guys who take bootcamps arent on the forums and they are easily duped by the bullshit marketing. If you wanted to take them down you'd have to come up with a "rival" product and SELL it. Make it private, not public.
I think that these guys make more money than you think. Yea, the lead instructors at LS are raking it in. They make anywhere from $100,000 to $200,000. I'm guessing Savoy makes about $500,000.
The three headed monster at VA make a shit load of money. I'm guessing Mystery, Matador and Cumdrop rake it in and split it down the middle.
RSD probably has the worst business model of the big three. But, they still make good money. The guys who have their own companies or who did like Entropy, Speer and AFC Adam make good money. They probably make $50,000 to $100,000. Sinn RAKES it in and David Deangelo simply nuked the fucken industry...millions...
Its easy money and a GREAT target market, the clients that they get. The problem that you'll have with taking them down is that they CONTROL everything. If you control the information that people get, then you cant be touched.
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This is a troll forum, you think anyone wasted their time reading your shit? Get over it man, no one gives a fuck about whatever the hell you're talking about.